Breeding bees to combat deforestation in Caquetá

April 8, 2022, by María Paula Lizarazo, original article published in El Espectador In 2020, in Colombia, the department of Caquetá was the second most deforested, a problem generated by extensive cattle ranching and the production of crops for illicit use. The following shows how some families in the region are changing their economy, while…

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PROTECTING THE FOREST, PROTECTING THE FUTURE The Amazon is a pivotal, life-sustaining force for people and the planet. It shelters critical biodiversity, absorbs massive amounts of carbon, cools the air, and regulates water cycles worldwide. Beyond its indispensable ecological benefits, the Amazon is home to indigenous and local communities whose physical, material, and spiritual well-being…

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The Amazon Conservation Team at the Floriade 2022

Wuta, Trio man from the indigenous village of Kwamalasamutu in southern Suriname.

A Field-based conservation organization that partners with indigenous and other local communities to protect tropical forests and strengthen traditional culture. Visit our booth at the 2022 Floriade, to learn about our unique model of Amazon rainforest management in Suriname. For over 25 years, ACT has co-created new methods of conservation with our partners that honor…

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El legado de los taitas

“Con el aniversario 20 del Alto Fragua Indi Wasi, se cumple el legado de los taitas inga que soñaron con ese territorio.” Esta fue la reflexión de Liliana Madrigal, quien en entrevista con ACT Noroeste, profundizó más en la importancia de este Parque Natural Nacional, que el 25 de febrero cumple 20 años desde su…

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The Legacy of the Taitas

“With the 20th anniversary of Alto Fragua Indi Wasi, the legacy of the Inga taitas, who dreamed of this territory, is fulfilled.” This was the reflection of Liliana Madrigal, who in an interview with ACT’s Northwest Amazon program delved deeper into the importance of this Colombian national park, which turns 20 years old on February…

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A new healthcare model that seeks consensus among the indigenous peoples of Putumayo

El Espectador / December 17, 2021 In Putumayo, five SISPIs (Indigenous Intercultural Healthcare Systems) are being developed with indigenous communities. This project generates healthcare models that respond to the needs of the communities themselves; however, the process of dialogue with the institutions can be complex. Through December 16, 2021, 2,109 indigenous people had died in…

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