Posts Tagged ‘caqueta’
Young indigenous voices lead the future: ACT-Colombia’s Youth Advisory Board
A youth advisory board sponsored by ACT-Colombia works towards the inclusion of younger voices within our partner communities. It convenes nine members of 10 to 16 years of age from across six geographic regions of Colombia where our programs are present.
Read MoreCómo proteger al Jaguar es fundamental para cuidar la Amazonía
Amazon Conservation Team (ACT), junto con la Universidad del Amazonía, continúan en su proyecto “Vive y convive”, en el que buscan defender a los animales carnívoros en el departamento del Caquetá, en Colombia, que tiene la mayor tasa de deforestación del país. Esta iniciativa busca busca vincular a las comunidades campesinas de la zona en la defensa, no sólo del jaguar, sino de cientos de especies de fauna y flora que habitan este departamento, que es la puerta a la Amazonía colombiana.
Read MoreThe House of the Sun: The Story of the Alto Fragua Indi Wasi National Park
An unprecedented story in global conservation processes. A story of the courage of the Inga people, almost two decades after the declaration of the creation of the Alto Fragua Indi Wasi protected area.
Read MoreWhy are they persecuting us?
On this path of leadership, and as long as I can remember, I have experienced war. By: Waira Nina Jacanamijoy Mutumbajoy Original article appears in El Tiempo May 28, 2019 I have the honor of providing this space to Waira Nina Jacanamijoy Mutumbajoy, an artist and leader of the Inga people of the Yurayaco community…
Read MoreConserving the Vast Biodiversity of the Colombian Amazon
The great wealth of biodiversity present in the Amazon is at serious risk of disappearing due to several threats, which must be addressed through the joint work of the various stakeholders in the region. One of the first steps in addressing this problem is to identify which species of flora and fauna are present in…
Read MoreA Green Dawn: Solar Energy and Community Empowerment in the Amazon Rainforest
The Amazon rainforest is privileged with rich biological and cultural diversity, natural splendor, and the potential to benefit all humanity by helping to stabilize the climate. Roughly the size of the 48 contiguous United States, it covers some 40 percent of the South American continent and includes parts of nine countries. It is also one…
Read MorePresident Santos Announces a Decision Today
After waiting 27 years, the indigenous governments of non-municipalized areas of the Amazon finally will be able to manage the money from their national government transfers without intermediaries.
In Leticia, the Presidency, the Ministries of the Interior, Finance and Agriculture, DANE (the Colombian national statistics agency and the Colombian National Planning Department recognized the governments of 36 indigenous reserves that occupy 26 million hectares of practically intact territory and that had existed in a state of legal limbo with respect to territorial zoning that prevented them, in effect, from governing what is theirs by law.